In Germany, it’s a bit of a no-go to talk about money. But I’m often very blunt and ask people anyways what they are making. I’m just too curious. In the same spirit, I want to share with you how much I made so far with my book Modeling Mindsets. I published the book around 9 months ago and it’s a good time for a first resumé.
Modeling Mindsets is a short book on the different mindsets that are behind modeling from Bayesian inference to unsupervised machine learning. No math, no code, just the philosophies and basic assumptions that can differ wildly.
The book is available as ebook/PDF on Leanpub and ebook + paperback on Amazon. On Amazon, I also use the so-called Extended Distribution so it’s available in other online bookstores as well.
Let’s hear the numbers already
The book has gotten 73 reviews, 40 on Amazon and 33 on Leanpub.
I’ve sold 745 ebooks on Leanpub and earned $7,007.94
On Amazon, I’ve sold 900 print books and 296 Kindle ebooks, totaling €6,570.64
In total, I’ve earned €13,013 (=$14,155)
It took me around half a year to write the book. Not full-time since I also finished my Ph.D., did social media and wrote the newsletter. But let’s pretend for now that I worked for 6 months full-time, which would mean I earned €2168.83 (=$2.365,51) per month. Certainly not an amount of money to get rich from, but together with the income from my other books, I can sustain myself financially 🙏 (even though it’s less than I earned in my Ph.D.).
And the great thing about digital assets and books is: They may further generate income down the road. Modeling Mindsets still keeps selling.
I’m very grateful to every reader ❤️. You made it possible for me to become a full-time writer. When I embarked on this journey last year I was somewhat optimistic that I can reach financial stability with full-time writing. But you can never be sure, so actually achieving this goal is a big relief and a big confidence boost!
Inspiring and thanks for sharing the numbers and good luck for your upcoming book.